About YWAM Moncton
Good local ministries need a helping hand. We connect people who want to serve with ministries that need more help. Our volunteers have especially focused on free ESL classes for newcomers to Canada, and on serving at a homeless shelter.
We also desire to send teams from Moncton to other places. We foster a family context and schedule so that families can participate. God’s love is so worth sharing. Everywhere.
Global Training
If we don’t offer the training you need, we’ll do our best to connect you to it. Our little team has a combined total of 90 years experience in cross-cultural ministry in over 50 nations.
Just starting out in missions? Check out the YWAM DTS!
Taking a team overseas and looking for someone to orient them? Contact us.
Already full-time in YWAM and looking for more advanced training? Check out the University of the Nations MA in Team-Based Communication.
The program is partly online, with four in-person intensives in South America.
Do you live locally in New Brunswick and want orientation for intercultural volunteer work? Let’s talk. Contact us for more info.
A world of opportunities
Deepen your training for what God is leading you into. Start something new in the nations. Learn by doing.
Vacation with a Mission
Come visit the Maritimes and give some of your time to volunteer at a non-profit organization to see God’s Kingdom expand in this growing multicultural city. Opportunities vary depending on the season. Contact us for more information.
Bring a team to serve in the Moncton area. From soup kitchens, or giving away Bibles door-to-door, or after school programs, to cleaning yards, opportunities abound. Our staff are also available to orient teams heading overseas. We have facilitators with decades of international cross-cultural experience.
Serve Together
We hope to see a connected fellowship of like-minded servants develop in the greater Moncton area. Can you lead a conversation class in English for newcomers? Do you have another dream idea? Perhaps God will do something new through you. We welcome you to contact us.
Thank you for your interest in supporting YWAM Moncton. Contributions can be made here toward the local work of YWAM Moncton in Canada, and for the UofN MA in Team-Based Communication. Donations are NOT tax-deductible.
Obrigado pelo seu interesse em apoiar o trabalho do Jovens Com Uma Missão Moncton. Contribuições podem ser feitas aqui para o trabalho local de JOCUM Moncton no Canadá, e para a Mestrado de Comunicação em Equipe com a Universidade das Nações. As doações NÃO são dedutíveis de impostos.
Gracias por tu interés en apoyar el trabajo de Juventud Con Una Misión Moncton. Contribuciones se pueden hacer aquí para el trabajo local de JUCUM Moncton en Canadá, y para la Maestría de Comunicación en Equipo con la Universidad de las Naciones. Las donaciones NO son deducibles de impuestos.
Step out! Perhaps God has a part for you in this ministry.
Get In Touch
Call or text: (506) 227-4519
Email: [email protected]
Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups, and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. We unite in a common purpose to know God and to make Him known. We currently work in more than 1,100 locations in over 180 countries, with a staff of over 18,000.